Pope's Prayer Intention for February: For vocations to the priesthood and religious life
Parish News & Events
Diocesan Vision
"To be a Catholic diocesan which is faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ, full of missionary desciples who work together co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith, joyful in their service of God and neighbour."
The Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation is offered on Saturday mornings after Mass and evening from 5pm to 5:30pm. Also avaliable at other times by appointment.
Live Streaming of Masses
Please note that our parish live streams the Sun 9am Mass, and at other occasions on request, e.g. funerals. If you do not wish to be seen on the live stream, please avoid the first two pews closest to the altar and ask for Holy Communion to be brought to you.
The Piety Stall
The Piety Stall, located in the hall (right-hand serving hatch), is open after all Masses and has a full range of goods for sale.
Pat O’Connor RIP
It is with great sadness that we announce that Pat O’Connor went to meet the Lord on the afternoon of Thu 30th Jan. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for his family at this time. Funeral details to be announced.
Family Ministry Adoration
Family Ministry Adoration invites you and your family to church to celebrate Valentine's Day - The Greatest Love – in a very special way on Fri 14th Feb at 6pm! All welcome!
Vegetarian Recipes Booklet
As part of our efforts to achieve the Live Simply Award for our parish, and in order to promote sustainable and simple living, the Environmental Group has put together a few vegetarian recipes that will hopefully encourage small changes in our diets and help us to omit meat a few times a week. They can be downloaded here. Bon Appetit!
Please remember that you can donate tinned and other items to the food bank in the narthex as a way of supporting those in the parish and beyond who are struggling with the cost of living crisis. No perishables please!
Parish Retreat
Retreat: We are delighted to announce that we will have a guided retreat by Fr Stephen Kimani, St Patrick’s Missionary Society, on Sat 15th Mar (10am to 3pm), at St Joseph's. This retreat is for all parishioners and we especially encourage all readers and ministers of the Eucharist to make a special effort to attend, as part of your ongoing formation in Ministry. Sign up sheets will be available from this weekend after all Masses.
Parish Pilgrimage
Sat 17th May - We are encouraged by our Archbishop in this Jubilee Year to take part in a pilgrimage to a Jubilee Church. This one-day pilgrimage to the Jubilee Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Caversham provides parishioners this unique opportunity to fulfil this request and to enjoy a day out together. Details to follow, but please put it in your diaries.
The Parish Volunteer Service is a small group of volunteers offering lifts to anybody who may be experiencing difficulty getting to Mass, Thursday Group, or other appointments. For more information, contact Jane Stevens: 01844 216076/07984 778687.
Events within the Local Area and Diocese
Lourdes Pilgrimage
Booking is now open for this year's Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage from Sat 24th - Fri 30th May with
the theme: "With Mary, Pilgrims of Hope". Contact the Lourdes Pilgrimage Office for more information, to discuss assistance requirements or to volunteer your services as a carer:
The Kenelm Youth Trust
The Kenelm Youth Trust is escorting a group of young adults (aged 19+) to Rome and Assisi for the Jubilee (31st Jul - 6th Aug). This is an amazing opportunity for young adults to celebrate their faith with others from around the world and take part in moments of Prayer, reflection and Catechesis.
KLT has an online course for parish leaders starting on 30th Jan via Zoom from 7-9pm. This 5-week course will help leaders with skills such as planning prayer and youth group sessions as well as an overview of risk assessments and how to better accompany young people on their faith journey: The website can be found here.
The preparations for Lourdes 2025 have started. Any young parishioners aged 16+ can contact for more information.
Knock and County Mayo Pilgrimage
An escorted pilgrimage to Knock and County Mayo is taking place on 10th Mar 2025 for four nights. It includes air travel, excursions and entertainment. For more information, call 01268 762278 or visit
The largest Catholic youth gathering in England and Wales takes place on Sat 15th Mar 2025 at Wembley Arena. At the Kenelm Youth Trust price of £49pp you not only get speakers from all around the world, workshops, exhibitions and music but also return coach transport. Booking opens on Wed 31st Jan here.
Evangelisation and Culture: The Bible Conference
From Friday 21st - Saturday 22nd Feburary 2025, the Evangelisation and Culture: The Bible Conference takes places at the EXCEL Centre, London. The theme is to gain a deeper appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures and their relevance to the Church's mission today. Speakers include Bishop Robert Barron, NT Wright, Prod Tracey Rowland & more. For more information, visit here.
The National Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope
The National Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope is a walking pilgrimage for England & Wales with four main Ways converging at the Cathedral of St Barnabas, Nottingham, on Sat 13th Sep. Visit here.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish
The sick of our Parish
Molly McVasey, Jon White, Kieron Carberry, Marion Wierszycki, Thomas White, Alexander Sparkes, Beryl Long, Veronica Smith, Ellen Mongan, Andrzej Geppart, David Harbour & Vincent Gillespie.
Rest in Peace
Mary Kirwan, Mgr Graham Wilkinson, Len Chapman, Ken Babington, Vararia Kasasa, Fr Jacob Lewis, Ann Hyde & Pat O’Connor.
Anniversaries of deaths this week
Margaret Merrow-Smith, Alban Colaco, Malcolm McVey, Yvonne Chanmorott, Francis McManamon & Elizabeth Ruff.
Last Weekend Totals
Last Weekend: £327.94
LIFE: £127.40
Regular Giving for January: £3,330
Sunday 16th Feb: For Racial Justice
Thanks also to everyone who has supported the Blackfriars Overseas Aid Trust by buying recycled Christmas cards and then donating used cards for them to be recycled this year.
Gift Aid
To keep giving regularly to support the Parish, please give standing orders, with Gift Aid where possible. The forms are always avaliable in the Sacristy for Gift Aid or standing order set-up, or talk to our treasurer, Jim.
Other Methods of Giving
DONA Website
Our DONA website can be found here.
Direct Payments
Name - RC Birmingham St Joseph's
Sort Code - 60-21-21
Acc - 69377065
Just use your contactless debit/credit card or smartphone/device to make a donation. Simply choose the amount you wish to donate and hold your card onto the reader. Contactless donations are simpler to administer, secure and conventient. Please opt in for Gift Aid if you are a UK Tax Payer, it means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 received.