Pope's Prayer Intention for September: For the cry of the Earth
Parish News & Events
Diocesan Vision
"To be a Catholic diocesan which is faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ, full of missionary desciples who work together co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith, joyful in their service of God and neighbour."
The Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation is offered on Saturday mornings after Mass and evening from 5pm to 5:30pm. Also avaliable at other times by appointment.
Live Streaming of Masses
Please note that our parish live streams the Sun 9am Mass, and at other occasions on request, e.g. funerals. If you do not wish to be seen on the live stream, please avoid the first two pews closest to the altar and ask for Holy Communion to be brought to you.
Outdoor Mass
To celebrate the month of Creation the Family Ministry and Parish Environmental group would like to invite everyone to an Outdoor Mass, in the school grounds, Sat 28th Sep, at 4pm. This will be a great way of starting the new academic year so if you know anyone who is involved in education (i.e. students, parents, teachers, school staff etc.) please invite them to come along. More details to follow.
Diamond Jubilee Mass for Sr Anne-Marie – Servers Needed!
On Sat 12th Oct the Archbishop will be presiding at the Mass for Sister Anne-Marie at 1pm and it would be good to have a healthy numbers of servers. A rehearsal will also be organised. Please let Fr Michael know if you are able to serve.
A refresher programme for readers for the new Lectionary
A new edition of the Lectionary will come into use in England and Wales on the First Sunday of Advent, 1 December. In preparation, it will be helpful for ministers to explore and become familiar with what is ‘new’ in the new edition The first session on Sat 13th Oct focuses on ministry and the Word and the second on Sat 20th Oct focuses on the Lectionary itself and strategies to promote Scripture in parish life. To book, please visit this website.
National Eucharistic Congress
On Sun 15th Sept, the bishops will ask parishes to have a period of Adoration in their churches, which will link us all in prayer in front of the Lord. At St Joseph’s, we will be having Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from the end of the 11 am Mass until 5 pm Benediction. It’s a privileged time to spend quietly before the Lord in heart-to-heart prayer. Please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex so that there are always at least two people in church at all times. For more information, see here.
Parish Open Meeting - Monday 30th September
This is a chance, not only to hear about some of the work of the Parish Pastoral Council, but also your chance to bring forward and discuss your ideas for the parish – new initiatives, things that need doing etc, etc. To help with planning an agenda, please submit items for discussion to
Counters and Cash-takers Needed!
We need additional volunteers to count the collection and to take the money to the bank, which will be done in teams on a rota basis. Training will be provided. Please see Fr Michael or Jim Crisp.
Events within the Local Area and Diocese
Stand Up for Life!
Be part of an unstoppable movement committed to making abortion both illegal and unthinkable. The London
One Day Conference will take place on Sat 28th Sep at the Holiday Inn, Regent’s Park, Carburton St, London. Tickets are £40. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be inspired, motivated and equipped to stand up for life.
The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit an experienced RICS Chartered General Practice Surveyor to join its Property Team
The key role of the Property Team is to provide advice and guidance for management of parish property, the school estate as well as manage all property held centrally by the Archdiocese. This is a permanent/full-time role. The application deadline is 18th Sep. For details, visit here.
The Season of Creation
Archbishop Bernard has released a video ahead of the Season of Creation, which starts on Sun 1st Sep, to encourage you to take up the opportunity which the Holy Father has given us to celebrate the Season. He says: “Hope and Act with Creation is the theme for this year, and I hope you’ll be able to pray that we and others will value all that we have in creation as a way of praising God and also caring for those who are most in need.” The full celebration guide and other prayers and resources can be found on the Diocesan website.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish
The sick of our Parish
Sr Anne-Marie, Molly McVasey, Jon White, Kieron Carberry, Marion Wierszycki, Pat O’Connor, Thomas White, Alexander Sparkes, Beryl Long, Veronica Smith, Ellen Mongan, Andrzej Geppart, David Harbour.
Rest in Peace
Joan Glendinning, Anthony Brown, Godfrey Caldwell, Eva McDonnell, Ann McKay & Clyde Nicolas.
Anniversaries of deaths this week
Jeremiah Deasy, Brian Little, Marie Meehan, Charles Thom, Kathleen Hughes, Damian Steele.
Last Weekend Totals
Parish: £390.92
Gift Aid
To keep giving regularly to support the Parish, please give standing orders, with Gift Aid where possible. The forms are always avaliable in the Sacristy for Gift Aid or standing order set-up, or talk to our treasurer, Jim.
Other Methods of Giving
DONA Website
Our DONA website can be found here.
Direct Payments
Name - RC Birmingham St Joseph's
Sort Code - 60-21-21
Acc - 69377065
Just use your contactless debit/credit card or smartphone/device to make a donation. Simply choose the amount you wish to donate and hold your card onto the reader. Contactless donations are simpler to administer, secure and conventient. Please opt in for Gift Aid if you are a UK Tax Payer, it means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 received.